Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 2008 Independence Summery

Things have certainly slowed down now that the peak months of August and September are over. Aside from the peppers and a few straggling tomato plants, the summer garden season is basically finished producing.

Planting, Harvesting & Preserving – Harvested tomatoes, winter squash, pears, herbs and seeds. Still harvesting peppers, some green and a few ripe tomatoes for fresh eating,

Canned 40 quarts of tomatoes in Sept as well as 7 quarts juice, 6 pints ketchup, 7 quarts hot peppers, 6 pints pear sauce, 13 quarts peaches. Froze a multitude of peppers and some additional squash. Dried peppers and tomatoes.

Preparedness & PlanningAfter a severe wind storm in Sept. causing statewide power outages and a wake up call, we sat down together and evaluated our emergency preparedness and working on manifesting those particulars.

Managing household & reserves – Cupboards were sorted and food and medical supplies evaluated. Looking at more ways to decrease electric consumption (our rates went up nearly 50% in Sept.) and dependence; will be putting up an indoor clothesline and hanger rod for winter clothes drying. Limiting meat purchases. Reasons are twofold - budget constraints as well as freeing up space for upcoming deer season.

Keeping it Local – Bulk and dry goods purchased from local independent merchants, eggs from local Amish, apples from farmers market. Donating excess garden produce to neighbors and friends.

Learned New Skill or Tried Something New – elderberry tincture made, continued research on natural treatments and remedies.

Misc. & Handcrafting – continued work on ongoing afghan project, began working on seasonal gift giving projects.


  1. Sounds wonderful! My husband and I are living with the in-laws so I do what I can but I can't wait until we buy a home and I can set up our own little "homestead."

  2. Thanks Carolyn!

    Lisa - Thanks for finding your way to my blog and welcome!

    As anyone who lives this lifestyle can tell you, simple can be hard work. :) But it's far more satisfying and rewarding than anything else!


I sure appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. I may not always have time to respond or acknowledge them but I do read them all and highly value your presence here.


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