Tuesday, August 5, 2008

July 2008 Independence Summery

A tad bit late but here's our July Independence summery...

Planting, Harvesting &
Preserving – Harvested cherries, raspberries, blackberries. Harvesting garden produce on regular basis for fresh eating.

Preserved 37 jars (1/2 pt) jam (lots of gift giving here!) , 8 pints pie filling, 7 pints pickles, 3 quarts juice, 8 pints beets. Froze 5 quarts cherries, 2 quart blackberries and 9 ½ quarts raspberries. Made 3 quarts refrigerator pickles.

Preparedness & Planning – Added purchased canned goods to reserves.

Managing household & reserves – cleaned freezer of remaining produce from last year to make room for this year’s harvest. Used up the last of 2007’s canned tomatoes by making spaghetti sauce.

Purchased jelly jars on sale, received additional canning jars from friend’s garage sale find, purchased more at auction. I have a surplus of jars at least for now.

Found a good cotton blanket at a garage sale for $1.

Received a supply of candles from our daughter, another garage sale find.

Received an entire wardrobe of clothing from a generous neighbor whose wife had passed away last year. As a result I kept what I could use for myself and gave away the remainder to others who could make good use of them. Sizes were varied so several people benefited nicely.

Keeping it Local – eating from our garden daily, eggs and milk from local Amish. Sharing garden produce with neighbors and family.

Learned New Skill or Tried Something New – made homemade castile soap successfully. Learned to use a pressure canner. Made calendula infused body oil. Now making my own butter. Tried a new zucchini cake recipe.

Misc. & Handcrafting -

Sold a jar of relish and a jar of jam as well as a beaded necklace.

Finished a crocheted shawl and it’s already reserved for purchase!

Crocheted cotton wash cloths.


  1. You are doing do beautifully! Such a bounty this year. It's funny, I was just saying how quickly Fall is almost upon us ... my homesteading friends were the only ones who understood what I was talking about! LOL

  2. Dang you're busy! I am impressed, earthheart. You're my kind of lady.

  3. I like your Independence lists. I am going to steal it and do it in my Blog too!

  4. Hey there my friends!

    CM - As always it seems the summer flies by far too fast. We judge the season by the harvest. August will be even busier!

    GS - awe shucks, thanks! Ditto. :)

    Carolyn - I keep a home and garden type journal from month to month so I can track what I've preserved, accomplished, etc. I have to give credit where it's due. I was inspired by Sharon at Causabon's Book. So technically you'll be stealing from her. :) I changed the format to suit me, but please check out her original idea here.


I sure appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. I may not always have time to respond or acknowledge them but I do read them all and highly value your presence here.


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