Friday, November 16, 2007


It’s less than a week until Thanksgiving and I’m happy to say everything seems to be lining up quite well. This is our first time hosting the day since moving back to the farm a year ago in August. And now, here we are, gathering our family around, back in the old house where the kids spent most of their younger days. All in all it should prove to be a very abundant and filling Thanksgiving Day and we have much to be thankful for.

My son in law Tom picked up a 17 pound turkey from Whole Foods for the big day. Next week, Tom will be bringing homemade pumpkin pies and his yearly gift of homemade chocolate fudge, something I await eagerly each year. No one makes chocolate fudge like Tom and he knows how I anticipate it every year. He has been gifting me with it traditionally each year at the holiday season since long before he and Kandice began dating.

Speaking of Kandice, she will be making her traditional organic green bean casserole and some additional stuffing. My niece, Jenni, will provide deviled eggs and daughter in law, Linda, will be bringing a salad. My sister Susan will be contributing homemade bread or rolls and the traditional cranberry orange relish. I don’t know about others, but to me Thanksgiving is not complete without cranberry sauce or relish alongside the stuffing on my plate. And speaking of stuffing, I will make my traditional sausage stuffing as well as the turkey, gravy, taters, sweet potatoes, corn pudding and of course, Waldorf salad. I almost forgot about making the Waldorf salad. Fortunately while at the grocery store yesterday, it occurred to me, so I picked up the necessary ingredients. I make my Waldorf with pineapple, apples, raisins, and instead of nuts I add sunflower seeds. I tried it that way one time, we loved it and I have been making it that way ever since. Along with the aforementioned items, I may make some zucchini bread, since I have plenty of grated squash in the freezer.

I am thankful for so many things. I have my health, a wonderful relationship with a loving husband, a generous, loving family I hold dearly, healthy, happy grandchildren, good, kind friends, a warm home filled with memories and I am surrounded by country. I sleep well at night with few worries and many blessings. We have adequate everything and life is full and peaceful. Yes, I have very much to be thankful for.

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