Sunday, December 21, 2008

welcome winter!

For the first time in many days we awakened to sunshine streaming in the windows. There was the illusion of warmth outside all morning and afternoon, despite increasing wind and cold. The last time we checked the temperature (about 7:30 PM) it was 0, so far the coldest night we've seen. Welcome Winter and the longest night!

Happy Solstice to all and to all a goodnight!
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  1. We had a lot of sunlight today too. I'm sure it was amplified by the snow, but it was really bright! I'm still not used to it getting dark at 4:30 though!

  2. We have the cold and sun here in southern Ohio also. What a pretty sun candle!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. I'm SO glad we are on to longer days again! LOL I sent you the invite to my blog again.....I hope you'll come back to visit!


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