Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i'm back with a new blog name

ok, i have had a lot of you wondering if i would ever be back.  well, i want to be and in fact will make every effort to return to a routine of pondering and posting.  :)  and, i offer my apologies for being gone so long.  as most of you know, (although i have picked up some new subscribers...welcome and thank you very much!) my husband of 30 years passed away in feb of 09.  it wasn't long afterward that i met a wonderful man and we have been together since.  in the process of the past year and a half i have grieved, loved, moved 125 miles away from my family and the country home i loved, grieved some more, given up my dog and two cats and had to contend with sharing a home with my new mil.  mark and i are not married but i refer to his mom as my mother in law because, to be honest,  i cannot think of another way to describe her that might not be offensive. so...it's been a crazy time for me over the past eighteen months.  but, i am finally beginning to settle and feel as if i have my bearings...more or less.  :)

sad to say (and what an adjustment it has been) i am living in a more suburban area than i would like.  but, it's outside the city limits, (just barely) and with mature oaks, lots of little wild things and very good neighbors.  ultimately, i can't complain, except about "mother", but that's another story, one which you will be spared because i'm just considerate that way.  :D

i thought it only appropriate that the title of my blog be changed.  so rather than 'from my homestead' you see it's 'homestead hippie at heart', cuz to be sure, you can take the girl out of the country but you can't take the country out of the girl.  

that's about it for now and when i have something to say or share, you can be sure i will.  in the meantime a BIG hello to old friends and new.  i've missed you!

GM crop escapes into the American wild

transgenic canola now growing freely in north dakota. full article at nature news.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What in the World are They Spraying


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