I've spent the morning blanching and skinning tomatoes and chopping fresh herbs. As a result I have a pot of homemade spaghetti sauce now simmering on the back burner. Next up is making up a new batch of natural insect repellent to get us through the remainder of the summer. We used up the last yesterday evening at the outdoor concert in Ashland.
Coop, I and our granddaughter Destiny went into the park to see a fabulous performance by Pavlo, considered to be the "Greek god of guitar", at the Meyer's Memorial bandshell in Ashland, Oh. last night. I have to agree, if ever a Greek god of guitar there is, Pavlo must be it! It was music to make your feet happy and at the end Destiny and I could not resist getting up and dancing around just a wee bit to the saucy and unique Mediterranean style music. It was a wonderful performance that had me dancing in my seat throughout the evening. These free concerts were one of the things I had missed the most while living out of the area, so I'm happy to be attending them again.
This past weekend was a good one. Saturday evening we had a few of my most favorite people out to sit around the fire and stargaze. That was a perfect way to spend the evening in celebration of my (and my twin's) 52nd birthday. My son and his family weren't able to make it, but with three tired little boys, their absence was totally understandable.
The nights have been clear, so I was able to watch the Perseids three nights in a row, with last night being the best of the show. I stayed out on the patio after Coop went to bed and watched quite a few meteors streak across the night sky, with thanks for each one.
As I was browsing through documents, looking for my recipe for the repellent, I came across some Guy Findley quotes and a his list, "40 Ways to Determine Your Level of Inner Freedom". I decided to share that because I think it's good and thought you might, too. Just so readers know, it is in no way an attempt to make others feel unenlightened. (Really, I don't hold that power) That's never my intention, I just share what resonates. :) quotes:
Chasing after a pleasure to ease a pain is like running after a breeze to cool you down.
The only thing you lose when you Let Go of something you are afraid to live without is the fear itself.
40 Ways To Determine Your Level of Inner Freedom
From “Freedom From the Ties That Bind” by Guy Finley © 1999
Want to know how free you really are? Good! You're about to be presented with a unique opportunity to learn all about your individual level of inner liberty.
As you review each of the inner liberties on the list, just note mentally whether or not that particular freedom belongs to you.
Our intention is simply to learn what's true about ourselves, not to prove anything about ourselves. Allow these forty freedoms to awaken and stir that secret part of you that knows living in any kind of bondage is a lie. Then follow your own natural sensing all the way to the free life.
You're Well Along Freedom's Path When:
· You have no desire to change places in life with anyone else.
· You step over setbacks without stopping or looking back.
· You accept and appreciate praise, but never take it to heart.
· You don't overeat or feel driven to diet.
· You don't think about your sex life.
· You meet and do what's true without fear of the consequences.
· You really don't want anything from anyone.
· You stop thinking about how much money you may or may not have.
· You don't carry any upset from the last moment into the present one.
· You have no interest in old resentments.
· You start spending more time alone and enjoying it more.
· You stop dreaming of the perfect vacation.
· You're neither frightened nor shocked by the evening news.
· You stop making deals with yourself.
· You dress for comfort, not for compliments.
· You lose all interest in trying to win mental arguments.
· You don't blame anyone else for the way you feel.
· You forget what it was you didn't like about someone.
· You are awake to and you are spontaneously considerate of the needs of others.
· You see beauty in life where you never could see it before.
· Your life gets progressively simpler.
· You see where you're wrong sooner than later and stop defending yourself faster.
· You do what you don't want to do, and you do it with a lighter spirit.
· You're not afraid of having nothing to say or do, if that's your true condition.
· You can take criticism without cringing away from the truth it may hold.
· You have no concern for what others may think of you.
· You stop trying to make others see life in your way.
· You enjoy the sound of silence as much or more than the sound of your own voice.
· You see the same unpleasant traits within yourself that have made you shun others.
· You say what you want and not what you think others may want to hear you say.
· You actually enjoy hearing about the good fortune of someone else.
· You see more and more just how unfree you and others really are.
· Your moods are fewer, lighter, and move on much quicker.
· You see society is destroying itself and the only solution is self change.
· You can listen to others without the need to tell them what you know.
· You don't find a thrill in any kind of fear.
· You know that forgiveness of others is the kindest thing you can do for yourself.
· You realize that the world is the way it is because you are the way you are.
· You'd rather not think about yourself.
· You can't come up with one good reason why you should ever be anxious or frightened.
There's one more important point to bring to our attention: never be discouraged over your present location!
Discouragement is a negative emotion with more than one trick up its dark sleeve. It tricks you into mentally or emotionally dwelling in the very place you want to leave. Drop all such sorrow permanently by daring to see through this deception of the unconscious mind. Who you really are, your True Nature, is no more tied to the kind of person you've been than the wind is tied to the skies through which it moves. Your past is just that, the past, a place within your psyche with no more reality to it than the picture of a castle on a postcard is made from stone. You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today. It may not seem so at first, but your new findings are a great start.
Now keep going. Use this list and your new discoveries to help you ignite your wish to be free. Then step back and welcome the spiritual firestorm. Watch as it burns away the ties that bind. This is what it means to let the Light fight for you.